Our five year plan ...

Morston Pond - Plan

Morston Pond - Plan

Morston Pond - Plan

Morston Pond - Plan
You can download our 5-year plan in PDF form by clicking on this link.
Our five-year plan has been carefully considered, as we begin to understand the nature of the issues involved with restoring and maintaining a village pond. A restoration plan is a great way to enhance biodiversity, protect nature, and conserve wildlife. Our plan will include applying for grant funding to ensure that the restoration is successful. Additionally, the plan will involve community volunteers who are passionate about conservation and wildlife. These volunteers will help to monitor the pond's health and progress, and will provide support for the restoration. With the right plan in place, a pond restoration can become a successful endeavor that will benefit the community and the wildlife.
At the outset of the project, we had these initial thoughts ...
Stage 1. Apply to:
Norfolk's Resilient Coast (Sydney Jacus) (completed )
Stage 2. Apply for funding through an (FiPL) grant: Farming in Protected Landscapes/ (Ed Stocker), to fund biodiversity enhancement of the pond area as more of a bog garden/ marginal pond that can tolerate the extremes of a peripheral pond that has water in winter and is dry in summer, (Bog Myrtle, Water Mint, Water Forget-me-not, Marsh Marigold, Gipsywort).
Avoid planting native species such as Yellow Flag Iris, Reed Mace that would take over the pond.
Please feel free to read our 5-year plan to see how we have agreed to approach the future of Morston Pond.